How To Improve Your Verbal Cueing in Your Pilates Classes
Sep 28, 2020When you're fairly new to teaching Pilates, you might think you need to come up with a new and creative way to describe movement in each class. You try to be creative and precise. You don't want to "steal" other people's cues, imagery, or variations.
Does this sound like you? I encourage you to think about it differently. There are three phases in the development from beginner to master. They are:
- Imitation
- Integration
- Innovation
When you're just starting out, it's not only okay, it's best to repeat exactly what your teacher or someone you admire says. Copy their exact words. Isn't imitation the sincerest form of flattery? There is really no need to reinvent the wheel at this stage.
Now I'd love to hear from you. What are some bad habits that you want to get rid of in your verbal cueing?
If you want to get better at verbal cueing asap, I invite you to check out my 30-Day Verbal Cueing Bootcamp called The Cueing Cure.
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