Pilates Exercises After An ACL Injury
May 29, 2019The ACL is one of the major ligaments that connect the thighbone to the shinbone. Activities that require sudden changes of direction or speed, landing awkwardly from a jump, and collisions can increase the risk of injury.
If you have suffered an ACL tear or sprain, check out the Pilates Protocols chapter of the Pilates Encyclopedia. You’ll find a list of exercises designed to improve the function of the knee after an ACL injury. Of course, always check with your doctor before returning to an exercise program.
When designing a program for you(r student) always take other individual restrictions into account.
- Footwork
- Sleeper
- Thighs in Straps
- Feet in Straps: Single Leg Stretch with opposite strap
- Seated Footwork: SL + DL
Trapeze Table / Tower
- Footwork
- Hip Opener
- Footwork
- Standing Leg Pump from front or side
- Side Sit Leg Pump
- Single Leg Stretch with thera band: check lower extremity alignment
- End range knee extension w/ towel or FR under knee
- Tiny single leg squats Standing on block or sideways on stairs
- Wall Squats (with ball between knees)
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